Download Word Document Using Javascript

There is a client side option for exporting html to a word document using javascript.
Download word document using javascript. But i cannot use window href method since it replaces the current page contents with the file you re trying to download. Instead i want to open the downlo. The file reaches the computer device as a simple txt opening in the standard text editor. The example code converts the html content to microsoft word document and it can be saved as a doc file. This way of making javascript download files allows users to retrieve the content provided in the text area.
The export2doc function converts html content to word or export specific part of a web page with images and download as doc file doc. Client side export to doc features makes the web application easy to use. I need to start download manually when a someid click. Export html to ms word document. The encodeuricomponent function then encodes the content.
In this tutorial we ll explain to you how to export html to a javascript doc. The declared function sets a download attribute where you get to name the file.