How To Get Enchanted Books From Fishing

I was afk fishing for like 6 hours and not a single enchanted book fishing rod or bow came through.
How to get enchanted books from fishing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Fishing rewards and mechanics have been massively changed with new rewards including enchanted books saddles enchanted fishing rods name tags and such. I hope you enjoy. Enchanted books can be obtained as a treasure item from fishing with a fishing rod as part of the treasure category. Today i show you the fastest way to get enchanted books and fish in minecraft.
The book has the equivalent of a level 30 enchantment from an enchantment table but treasure enchantments are available and the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced. Monday. There is now a chance of fishing bad items junk such as sticks bones and such. Is this a glitch or an intentional game change. They can only be applied through the use of an anvil and can be used on many tools.
Two enchanted books of the same enchantment and enchantment level such as protection iii can. They can also be looted from dungeons desert temples and abandoned mine shafts. An enchanted book can be obtained by placing a book in an enchantment table with lapis lazuli. Fishing now shows particles when a fish is approaching the bobber. This thread is archived.
Otoh with mods things could be changed in any way the mod maker wanted.